Monday, March 14, 2016

What I Have Learned by Dating Asian Women Online - Dream Holiday Asia

What I Have Learned by Dating Asian Women Online - Dream Holiday Asia

How I get Laid For Free 

“You’re going to discover exactly why online dating is a crazy, beautiful world… for having free sex”

I got into dating sites years ago while searching for a solution to meet attractive women while traveling around Asia.
The classic/old system in meet women at bars, clubs and bars wasn’t producing guarantee results (having free sex) and wasting my precious vacation time wasn’t fun, actually it was demoralizing.
Some night I was just getting drunk and head back to the hotel alone, sometime with a phone number and a promised to meet the next day from the girl I just met in the club. This was devastating and ruining my mood, affecting my vacation.
While speaking with a friend of mine about this problem, he told me to use a dating site like to meet with local women. I was a bit puzzle.
Dating online is only for looser, isn’t it?
“No, no, no…” he quickly assured me, seeing my skepticism. “This isn’t like online dating in Europe. Not at all.”
That day I discover a new way to meet with beautiful girls, get laid for free and without the bullshit.

Girl’s Profile Online

Over the years, I have met so many girls that I have lost the count. It is fun and thrilling to meet new girls with ease and by filtering a selection with a click.
I always search for girls between 20 to 25 years old, slim, no smoking, no kids, these four criteria are mandatory, for the rest I’m flexible.
Online dating sites give you an incredible advantage in searching for the perfect match, only takes a click.
searching girls online dating sites
It is so easy that sometime I feel ashamed of myself, but it always better than get drunk lonely in a club.
You will get hundreds of girl’s profile that you will not know where to start. Usually the cover picture is the best, so choose only the hottest one, and be picky.
If you don’t know how to get started dating online, I have wrote down the process step by step with my tips on how to write an impressive profile of yourself to attract the best girls.
My system is been tested for years bringing in great results. I have so many girl’s request, often I have to delete even cute girls, unfortunately my time is limited and can only chat with the hottest one.
I get email from travelers concern about their age and appearance, and I can guarantee that in Asia the rules are different than in the western world.
Asian women look for a nice guy, that can speak politely and cares about his woman, age and appearance are of secondary importance.
I want to share with you, some of my favorite girls and their profile because it is so funny. These girls are so lovely and sometime a bit naive and surprisingly very open.

Malasyan girl
Britney is lovely girl in her twenties. I found interesting her title “Someone who is loyal and caring. :) Someone who loves traveling and spending time with me.”
She was perfect for me because I love to travel. I wrote to her; “where should we go this weekend?”. She immediately replays and after a month we met in Kuala Lumpur.
I stayed with her two days and after i moved on to a new gal. She was sweet and love caring, I felt like to be her Teddy Bear.

Bangkok girl online
Gi is looking for a good man to share her life together, unfortunately she met me first. She was a bit hard to convince to share my hotel room, and took two appointments to close the deal.
However she was worth the effort.
We had a great time together, dining in some good restaurant as we are both passionate about food. She was a great tour guide around Bangkok, very sexy indeed.
On the third day I explain her that I’m not looking for a relationship, at first she got pissed but eventually she understood and we still keep in touch.

Cambodian girl online
Eva is Cambodian on her 25, but she looks younger.
The first time I chat with her on Skype, I felt in love immediately (it lasted only few minutes). She speaks perfect English, and her manners are so feminine and genuine.
She came to Phnom Penh’s airport to pick me up with her car, which was a great surprise.
I spent 10 days with her traveling to Angkor Wat, visiting the most famous temple in Asia and Sihanoukville, relaxing by the beach.
It was sad to say goodbye but I couldn’t stop my mission around Asia.

How to Get The Girls Ready To Have Sex With You

Asian girl ready for sex
Just tell them! Seriously
Is that simple? Yes, it is.
Many men feel nervous about proposing to a girl to have sex, and it is understandable. Keep in mind an Asian woman can be disappointed if you don’t ask to have sex with her because she might think that you aren’t attract to her.
Regarding having sex with women you meet online, the first step is to ensure that once you will meet her for real, she will open her legs to you.
You don’t want spend hours online chatting with her only to find out that she is a virgin and she will let it go only after marriage.
Few simple steps to make your first date a sex-success:
  1. Let her see you are good man. If she thinks you’re desirable and everything she wants in a great guy, half your work’s cut out for you already.
  2. Let her know you like her. Most Asian women aren’t confident, so they need to hear from you that you like them. Time to time during your online chat, tell her your feelings and how happy you are to have met.
  3. Talk dirty. I stop you immediately; I meant you can talk dirty with her after the third chat, not before (read my tips on how to approach your first chat).
    This is important to get the spark build up and let her know that once met, sex isn’t an alternative.Talk about her lingerie, what color she likes and what she would like you to buy for her. Now we go to stage 4.
  4. Buy some kinky underwear. I always travel with my luggage full of underwear. I love to see the girls wearing it and the girls love to show me.
    It is a win/win situation.This will clarify the obvious, let’s have sex.
  5. Invite her to your hotel room. You’ve built the sexual tension already. She knows you’re not just a friend, and she definitely knows you’re attracted to her already.
    Never show affections in public places in Asia, do all behind the wall. She might seem shy at first, but trust me, she will rock the bedroom.
These simple steps will put you forward to have sex with your online girls, it is a simple but yet a powerful formula.
Make sure to follow all the steps before meet your date in real life.

How Do I know If She Really Like Me

Not all men are interested in only sex, they also want to build a relationship with feelings, long conversations, understanding and love.
The best way to find it out is by listening. Let her talk about herself most of the time, her dreams, future, present and past.
These conversations will give you an understanding with who you are dealing with. So, pay attention to her talks, there is so much true surfacing when you let women talk freely.
Her past is very important, learn what she is been doing in the last years and you will understand in great details what she is after.
What does she want from a relationship? Love, money or family.
Can you offer what she wants? If Yes, she will like you.
You are a man, a man is the provider in the Asian world, and if you can provide her, she will love you. Full STOP.
After your holiday is over, if she tries to contact you online without asking for money, than there is a good chance that she is into you.
If she call you because she need money, usually the stories varies from mama is sick and me lost phone, just delete her from your online profile and move on to a new girl.
I have notice during my years of online pick ups, that every 5 girls you will find one hidden gem.
So, if you are looking for a serious relationship or marriage, I would recommend you to meet at least 5 women during your trip to put chances on your favor.


There you have it, meet a girl online, chat her up and have sex with her.
Or build a relationship on steroid to move the relationship forward faster with your exotic woman.
I used to meet women as I go about my vacations because was much more “adventurous”, unfortunately this system was extremely unreliable.
Now I feel like online dating is a wonderful and effective way to connect, proven that offer guarantee results over time.
I have met some really wonderful women on and, and I’m confident you will get what you are looking for.

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