Sunday, March 6, 2016

Pick Up Tips; Meet Asian Women Online - Dream Holiday Asia

Pick Up Tips; Meet Asian Women Online - Dream Holiday Asia

How To Date Asian Girls Online in Simple Steps

“Don’t waste your time and money trying to get a relationship from online dating sites before reading this article”

If you haven’t been dating in a while, if you’re new to dating or if you want to meet the Asian woman of your dream, online dating sites are an excellent step stone forward your intentions. The truth is that online dating is crowded with men, and your chances to get a break throw with an attractive woman are limited if you don’t know the right steps to meet girls online.
This article is representing my experiences with dating site but it can be apply to other Asian dating website. All the advise is based on what have worked for me, achieving to meet hundreds of girls during the years across Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia and Singapore.
Before starting the actual process of subscribing to a dating site, I want to give you two facts that will help you to achieve success in dating Asian women online.
  • First, the good news. Asian women really love foreign men. At first I thought this would be something related to money only. But I was wrong. We are as exotic to them as they are to us. I have been complimented on several body features (e.g. long nose, white skin, round eyes) which until then I didn’t thought of.

    In fact, my western feature in Europe wouldn’t get the attention of any women, in Asia are a great plus. Your skin is white as snow, in Europe is common and western women prefer bitch boys with tan skin but in Asia you are a super star. Even dating much older men is not a problem to most of the Asian women, actually is a plus because older men are consider reliable and more responsible of younger men.
  • The second fact. Most men on online dating sites are perverts. It puzzles me that the majority of men would spend his money on a dating site and then send women messages requesting to send her naked pictures or the guy show its dick. Read the real experience of Chelsea, a Korean woman that witness bad experiences on dating sites.

    Personally I think that this is just a huge waste of everybody time. No girl will respond to this approach. Think about it: witch girl would think “this guy is good for me or I want have a future together”. No Way. This can be achieve in a second stage when you will have build trust and intimacy.
    Luckily this will make it really easy for you, who don’t start their initial approach with “Hey Baby, let’s have some fun”. With this simple tip in mind, you are already on the top 40% of men to be considered.

How to Get Started With Online Dating

First, you should choose a dating site that have your target audience of interest. I personally use because has the largest network of girls across different countries, and because I travel often around Asia, it suit my need to meet women across the region.
If you are into a certain type of nationality, there are country specific dating site. I will mention the most popular in South East Asia.
  • Thai Cupid – It is the biggest dating site in Thailand with thousand of women looking for romance, relationship and a night stand. You can find girls online anytime to chat with. The chat is easy to use and you can talk with multiple girls at the same time because Thai women write very slow because sometime they have to check the dictionary for words. This can maximize your time and effort to create multiple “relationships” at the same time.
  • Filipino Cupid – I have used Filipino Cupid for years to meet local women in Manila and Cebu (my favorite destinations). You will find thousands of girls eager to meet you.
  • Vietnam Cupid – If you are planning to visit Vietnam and meet with these beautiful women, this dating site will open the door to thousand of single women.
The above dating sites have the same interface and are very easy to use. Just make up your mind about the nationality you would to meet, and let’s move to sign up.

How to Create a Profile That Rocks

I will use as sample, however the process is similar for the other dating websites.

1) Create a Free Profile

Dating Asian women sign up
The process is standard, just add your real name, sex, age and email address, alternatively sign in with your Facebook account.

Use your real age, do not cheat on your age. Being 50 years old is really not a problem, being ashamed of it is. People think that a few years less will help to attract younger female. Wrong! Going back to the previous point, Asian women like and respect older men. Second, lying will not help you to build an honest relationship with any women. 

2) Increase Your Chances to Meet Attractive Women

Dating Asian women - make the best profile
Now that you are subscribe, save your email address and password for your future log in. The second form is about to describe yourself (by the way: you can change all these information later, if you want to). This is the first chance to separate yourself from the crowd. Most guys overlook this stage and rush to look for girls. I have red many men’s profiles over the years and 90% of them are getting this part wrong. Don’t be one of them!
Marital Status: All the options will work fine except for “Married”. Asian women are well aware of the fact that many guys already married travel to Asia and just want to have a good time. Most of the girls are looking for a serious relationship, and a married man can’t provide this.
Conclusion: If you are indeed married – don’t mention it. In fact I would put in “Single or divorced” no matter what.
Occupation: All options work well except for “Non-occupation”. Women don’t like losers. In Asia, your occupation will not matter much as for example in America where women target men based on their career = money.
Willing to relocate: Choose “Not sure about relocating” even if you are not willing to relocate. The search algorithm favor this option offering a wider target of women. Anyway, one day you might decide to make the move to go live abroad, you don’t know that yet, just keep the possibility open.
The next three points are the most important one and required a bit of effort from your side. While we don’t care if a beautiful girl is not putting much energy in it, girls are caring about your description.

3) Make Her to Choose You

If you leave these three fields empty or just with the minimum info required, you will miss out to attract the best women online. There are plenty of paying members with “zombie” profiles, don’t waste your chances.
Your profile heading: So, what headline is most likely to get the attention?
The engagement start from the headline, and if the girl get curios enough to click your headline to read more about you, you are into the game.
If you leave this part empty, the software will write a an “hi” and there are thousands of account with a simple “Hi”. Other famous headlines read something like this: “Searching for a girlfriend”, “Looking for love”, “Are you the one?”, “I’m a gentleman”… all flecky head lines, but there is more “Just want to have good time”, “Let’s meet tonight”, etc.
Now, put yourself in her shoes. Would you ever click on these profiles? Maybe not, so what make you think that with such poor headline you will succeed online dating?
I have a good starting point for you. Headlines as questions are always good as we like to know the answers or want to answer them ourselfs.
My current headline for example is “Should I go Bangkok or Phuket?”. In my profile I continue to explain that I’m planning to live in Thailand and these two destinations are possible town to live in.
This headline alone got me tons of mails without me doing one single thing. Get the girls interested to help you out and why not, meet you. Asian women love to meet first time travelers, so they have got more chances to hook you. Most girls wrote me “Come to Bangkok instead, so we can meet”. How cool is that?
Now it is up to you to come up with a good headline suitable to your situation.

You can change headline every week and see what work best
Read more; How to create headline for online dating websites that rocks

She is Yours; Close The Deal 

Dating Asian women - talk about yourself for dating Asian women
Your headline is solid, which made her want to read more. So, what next? Now it is time to tell more about yourself.
This part is funny, because most men talk about themselves, and I can’t blame them, the line is clear “talk about yourself”. But here the reality.
At this stage nobody really cares about you. Yeah, this is the hard truth. So, writing about your sport achievements or love for pussy cats, it isn’t going to break it throw with her.
Your goal here is to not sound like a pervert or a desperate man (which alone will separate you from 80% of the other male users) and give her a chance to connect with you.
A little bit about yourself: This is the section appeared whenever someone clicks on your profile. This sentence is very important because she will decide to contact you or not.
The possibility to write here are endless, but keep it sharp and to the essential, 3-4 sentences will do. I connect the text with my headline to make it as a flow. In my case, I just wrote about my plans to move to Thailand and what I would like to do in my free time. I’m creating a connection, and if she into my same interests, she will think; “Cool, I love wine too and would be nice to go for a dinner with him, plus he is coming to live here, so I might get out something more from him than the usual tourist”. But, at the same time I’m making clear that I’m a busy person and I’m looking for serious women, not time waster.
You are the prize not her! And this help me to bang her on my first date. No time waster.
Check out what other male are writing in their profiles, and just write the opposite. Do you really want to be another of the profiles which state “I am looking for a girl that I can grow old with” or “Just checking this site out”. Dare to be different.
What you’re looking for in a partner: Just keep it simple and honest. She must be beautiful. Of course, they all feel beautiful and they are going to challenge me. I receive lot of replies about it and sometime are funny too; “Am I beautiful enough for you” :)
I love it!

WELL DONE! Now You Are an Official Member

There are two remaining steps that keep you apart from hundreds of attractive and love caring Asian women.
A) You need to upload at least three pictures of yourself. First, a portrait of you where you are shaved, look smart and clean.
Second, a picture with your family. Asian women value family at the highest and you will look like an excellent man doing this (no other men does it, so you stand out). The third picture should be you with friend in a social setting, no drunk please. This show that you are a social person and because you have got many friends, you must be a good person. This is how Asian women think.

Use Facebook pictures that got you the most liked
B) Secondly you have to turn your standard account into a premium account. Otherwise all your work so far will be useless.
Premium accounts set you on the TOP search list and allow you to write and read the messages from other users.
You will have to pay a little bit for it but it is really worth it. You will connect with hundreds of beautiful girls and with my tips, you will succeed in meet beautiful and honest girls, not the usual bar girls.
Everyday day there are literally hundred of new women joining the site (that is why I recommend the 12-month package, as you will get much more bang for your bucks).
I recommend to buy a webcam for your Pc and connect with Skype, so you can chat with each other live. If you aren’t a tech guy, no worries, learn how to set yourself for webcam chat in simple steps.
So believe me: if you don’t behave like a total retard (more on this later) I can assure you that you will get your moneys worth and so many girls that you will not be able to keep in up with conversation.

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