Friday, January 27, 2017

Holiday In West Java: Home Of The Sexiest Indonesian Girls

Holiday In West Java: Home Of The Sexiest Indonesian Girls

Indonesia is a huge country, the 14th largest in the world with a massive population of 260 million. That is a lot of chicks!
So, the first time I wanted to visit, I was puzzled where actually to go. I wanted to meet the sexiest Indonesian women, have a truly memorable erotic experience while relaxing.
My criteria for choosing the destination was:
  • high level of beautiful women
  • easy to meet and date
  • the place should be relaxing and clean
After days of research, one region stood out; West Java.
West Java is the home of some of the sexiest and sensual girls not only in Indonesia but in all of South East Asia. What I like the most is their curve butt and above average boob size, beside angelic face.
Whenever I’m visiting Indonesia, I land in Jakarta and take the bus around West Java to meet with beautiful and sensual local women. People when they think about Indonesia, Bali is the place that pops in mind.
If you’re like me, you don’t like to visit tourist places but instead, have a genuine local experience with girls in their natural environment. No bad attitude, genuine interest in meeting you (it’s not only about money), and they are very horny because they rarely have sex.
Sexy Indonesia girl from West Java
I discovered that Indonesian men who can afford to marry any Indonesian girl, would pick a woman from West Java for their beautiful fair complexion and soft feminine personality.
I also noticed foreigners were prizing their beauty while highlighting their sexual capabilities.
I personally experience the treat of making love to a few Javanese women, so sensual in their nature while respectful and obedient forward my sexual desires. I can say that these women are truly unique and skillful master of pleasure.
However, West Java has much more to offer, not only beautiful and sensual women, but a rich culture and breathless scenery. Most of the nature of West Java consist of mountain areas with hills, forest, tea plantation, cold air and a lot of waterfalls.
Java scenary; mountains, waterfall and beautiful Javanese girls
If you’re a beach lover, don’t worry, West Java is surrounded by sea. The southern beaches are beautiful and wild. Don’t expect to see local women wearing bikinis, Indonesia is a Muslim country. Having said that, the influence of Islam in the region is moderate. Girls wear a simple scarf to cover their hair called
Don’t expect to see local women wearing bikinis, Indonesia is a Muslim country. Most girls will wear long dresses to cover up most of the body.
Despite this, the influence of Islam in the region is moderate. Girls wear a simple scarf to cover their hair called jilbab (1/3rd of the girls will use one)jeans and long sleeves shirts. Having said that, in the nightclubs girls dress provocatively, not minding wearing short skirts and high hills.
For me, that is the beauty of this country. Women don’t show off their curvy body to everyone, but hold the treat for you in the privacy of your hotel room. Of course, there are exceptions.
Whether you’re planning a trip to Indonesia or dreaming of meeting the hottest Indonesian girls, then you’re in the right spot.
In this post, I’m going to share…
  • My opinions and experiences traveling around West Java meeting local girls
  • What type of girls are considered the most beautiful, feminine and erotic
  • How to date West Java women that suit you
Ultimately, my goal here is to make sure you’re intentional and focused on the right things that will make your holiday in West Java a success, rather than going with the hope to find a date.
Let’s dig in, Bro.

Sundanese Girls; The Beauty of West Java

The native ethnic and majority in West Java are Sundanese people. Sundanese women are known for their beauty and wild nature for centuries.
In fact, when the Netherland colonizers arrived in West Java, they were speechless to the beauty of the local girls. Over the centuries, the local girls mixed with the Dutch giving birth to interesting physical features, creating the most beautiful and look after women in Indonesia.
Sudanese girls aren’t only beautiful but also the best Indonesian girls in bed. In this region, I had some of the best sex in Indonesia.
sexy indonesian girl in bedroom
First, they have a slender figure thanks to a rich vegetable and fruits diet. The highlights are:
  • sexy body
  • light skin (white – olive)
  • bowl-shaped breast
  • narrow vagina
Second, their welcoming nature being soft and easy-going. This mindset is what makes them; warm, erotic and desirable. My personal experience with Sudanese girls is been rewarding over the years. I never get enough of it, making me going back again and again.
Look, West Java is known for having a high level of prostitution mainly found in towns, while villages are untouched. For this reason, It’s safer while more rewarding to visit the village for dating local girls during your holiday.
Below, I’ve prepared an itinerary for you to navigate throughout the best places in West Java to meet beautiful Sudanese women, so you don’t get lost in this wild island.

Where to Find Sundanese Girls?

My favorite places in West Java to visit girls are;
  • Bogor
  • Sukabumi
  • Cianjur
  • Bandung
These are the typical locations where you’ll find beautiful Indonesian girls to please you.
west java-map-meet-javanese-girl
You might be wondering how to get there, right?
Indonesia is a big country, and it’s easy to get lost between mountains and valleys. So, if it’s your first visit to this beautiful country, let me draw a simple itinerary for you:
  1. Firstly, you take the flight to Jakarta (Soekarno-Hatta International Airport).
  2. After landing in Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, take DAMRI Bus to National Monument, Jakarta.
Option 1
  1. Across from the National Monument, you’ll find the Gambir Train Station. From Gambir Train Station, take the train to Bogor.
  2. Get out from the Bogor Station and take Angkot 03 to Baranangsiang Terminal.
  3. In Baranangsiang Terminal, take the bus to Cianjur, Sukabumi, Bandung and Sumedang.
Option 2
The other alternative after reaching the national monument in Jakarta is:
  1. Take the busway in Gambir Shelter to Kampung Rambutan Terminal.
  2. In Kampung Rambutan Terminal, there are several buses to Bogor, Bandung, Cianjur, Sukabumi and Sumedang.


Bogor main sight
Bogor is located 60 km from Jakarta, about 1 hour and forty minutes by bus. Yeap, Indonesian roads aren’t very good so a journey takes much looooooonger then in your country.
In the town of Bogor, the main sights are:
  • Bogor Botanical Garden
  • Museums
  • Dutch Colonial Buildings
  • Klub Golf Bogor Raya
In the Bogor regency, the main sights are:
  • Cisarua (Safari park, cold air, tea plantation, Pangrango National park),
  • Cijeruk (Mt. Salak) and Ciseeng (hot springs).
I know, most of you aren’t interested in monuments and attractions, but only in meeting HOT Sudanese girls. I feel you, Bro.
Sudanese girls in Bogor
Bogor nightlife is active with X-One being the best nightclub, follow by Lipss and NBC 31. There are mostly working girls in these clubs, but also exceptions especially on Wednesday being ladies night. Good girls typically hang around in groups, making them hard to approach.
In my experience, nightclubs are a good place to have FUN and pick up hookers. It’s hard to approach “good girls” without getting rejected, however, there is a way which I’m going to explain further down.

Tips and hint sexy girls
Partying in Bogor is absolute best on Wednesday. It’s cheaper, less crowded, and most nightclubs have ladies night. This means the percentage of good girls will be higher than usual.
You can also approach girls in the malls, but be prepared with your business card or phone number on a piece of paper. The reason is local girls are very shy and don’t expect being approached in public areas. If she reacts cold, distant or weird, don’t take it as a sign of disinterest. Just wait for her to text you.
I’ve found that meeting local girls online is the easiest and best way to go. Not only you can avoid the pitfall of a face to face conversation, but the girls on dating sites are there specifically to date foreigners while keeping things private between the two of you.
The best way is to chat with multiple girls, narrow down at least three girls that you feel a strong connection with and meeting them during your holiday.
Imagine having your new girlfriend excited to meet for the first time. Not only she’ll be ready to have sex with you, but it’s going to be a mind blow experience.
Indonesian women are very sensitive and can fall in LOVE easily. Please, be true to your intentions.

Sukabumi & Cianjur

The second stop over for this journey are Sukabumi and Cianjur. These two towns are located 60 km from Bogor easily accessible by bus from Baranangsiang Terminal, Bogor. The journey is almost 3 hours.
The nature of Sukabumi and Cianjur consist of mountains and beaches.
Pelabuhan Ratu white sand beaches and surfing
Pelabuhan Ratu is the best destination known for white sand beaches and a terrific scenery. Palabuhanratu has become a popular location for surfers in recent years, with its Indian Ocean location providing good waves for surfing.
But for me, it’s a wonderful place to have a 5 in the morning sex in the water with a Sudanese girl. Better be early than sorry…
I love to travel in these towns out of the beaten path. I find the girls to be untouched by the modern world, keeping their traditional ways, far from modern society. They are happy with a small gesture and truly dedicated pleasing men. The immaturity of the local girls is staggering; Playfull and worries free.
Don’t expect much of a nightlife while it’s very hard or almost impossible to pick up girls anywhere if you don’t have established connections.


For the third stage of our trip, Bandung is the major district with Bandung City as the capital of West Java. Apart from Bandung City, you can visit:
  • Cimahi
  • Soreang
  • Lembang
  • Pangelengan
  • Ciwidey
  • Mt Patuha
  • Mt Papandayan
  • Mt Tangkuban Prahu
These small towns are fantastic destinations if you’re looking to meet “farm fresh” girls.
The Bandung girls are known by Indonesians as most beautiful.
Bandung is one of the country’s most known tourist spots with a picture-perfect landscape consisting of lush green areas, lakes, hot springs and volcanic mountains. Not only foreigners love to visit Bandung but also Indonesians from other districts seeking a stress-free weekend.
Bandung capital of West Java
I don’t need to say that Bandung is the best hunting place during your holiday in West Java.
The capital city attracts a wide variety of girls from all the West Java region, making it paradise on earth. Before talking about places where to meet girls, let’s see few of the attractions available.
In the town of Bandung, the main sights are:
  • Villa Isola
  • Gedung State
  • Cipaganti Mosque
  • Bandung Zoo
In the Bandung regency, the main sights are:
  • Tangkuban Perahu Crater
  • Ciater natural hot spring
  • Patengan Lake
Ok, enough about tourist places… I can hear you screaming: “Where are the girls”!
Let’s get started with Bandung nightlife, which is more conservative than Jakarta and less touristic than Bali. Bandung nightlife is special; with a young crowd, a lot of pretty Sundanese girls, and affordable prices.
There are a lot of student in Bandung from the hundreds of colleges, academies, and universities. This is the reason I love this city.

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