Friday, January 13, 2017

5 Surprising Facts You Didn’t Know About Filipina Women |

5 Surprising Facts You Didn’t Know About Filipina Women |

When I speak to people who’ve never been to South-East Asia, there’s one stereotype I hear particularly often: local women are poor, low-brow and simple.
And that might be somewhat true in countries like Bangladesh and Cambodia. Those places have been ravaged by war, and that’s obviously put the people living standard far below the average in Asia.
However, the truth is that, on average, women in the Philippines are far more sophisticated and worldly than their North American sisters.
Yes, bro. It’s a BIG statement. Actually is HUGE! You might think that I had too many whiskeys last night, but bear with me for a moment, and I’ll explain why.
The Philippines have a population of 100 million people, compared to 300 million in the United States.
Despite this, Philippines has around 2,000 universities – just 20% less than the United States’ 2,600 4-year colleges and universities.
This means that far more Filipino women get a higher education, learn foreign languages and develop an interest in culture, art and traveling than in the United States.
In other words, Filipinas have more in common with upper-class Western women, with important differences that make them more approachable, eager for sex and trustworthy for long-term dating.
In this article, I’ll share these reasons, including one that makes Filipinas crave white men and prefer them over local guys.

  1. They’re Offended by Your Money

Like I said earlier, some South-East Asian countries are dead poor, but generally speaking, most women in the Philippines are not looking for a sugar daddy, or a sponsor, or a John who’ll pay them for sex.
In fact, this is a conservative country where most people are Christian and where divorce is illegal. So the idea of sleeping with a man for money is abhorrent to the common girl.
Sure, plenty of girls do work in bars and red light districts… But that’s true for every country – and it does not mean that you can buy a Filipino’s love.
Common Filipina woman and filipino bar girls
What do these women care about?
Most of them just want to find a boyfriend/husband they can trust to be kind and reliable in the long run. Filipino men are prone to cheating – and women in the Philippines love that Westerners are more monogamy-oriented.
Speaking of monogamy – one benefit of being with a Filipina is…

  1. Sex Whenever You Want – However You Want

In the West, it’s common for women to withhold sex to punish, manipulate or insult their husband.
This is not the case in the Philippines. Filipinas are raised strictly to serve the man. It’s unthinkable and disrespectful for a Filipino woman to say “no” to their husband.
This means that your Pinay girlfriend or wife will be happy to give you what you want, when you want and how you want it.
Filipina women love to have sex whenever you want
Let me tell you – it’s a great feeling to come home to a woman who wants nothing better than you to be happy. And if you’ve never had that before, I urge you to go to the Philippines as soon as possible – especially because…

  1. Pinay Girls are Hot, Hot, Hot!

Let’s be real… When your country’s got a 50% obesity rate – like England, America and many European countries – there’s not a lot of hotties around.
As a result, you’ll notice there’s way more slim/petite women in the Philippines than anywhere in the West. You’ll be blown away by the beauty of local women.
Another factor is the naturally tanned skin, dark hair, and black eyes making them exotic and a welcome pace for many. For a Pinay chick, it’s unthinkable to be an out-of-shape slob that walks the streets in sweatpants.
Beautiful Girls in the Philippines
So with women in the Philippines, what you’re getting is an athletic body type, a great sense of style and an extreme horniness for white men thanks to…

  1. The Colonial Mentality

People with a “colonial mentality” perceive their country, and themselves, as inferior to the people who colonized them.
Colonial mentality for the Philippines women - foreign men have power
This applies to the Philippines, even though the Spanish occupation ended 100 years ago…
Because most, if not all of the locals view themselves as less attractive and successful than Westerners.
What does this mean for you?
Well, being a foreigner instantly makes you more attractive than just about any Filipino man.
It’s the equivalent of being a millionaire or a rockstar in the Western world, in the sense that women will push and shove local men out of the way for a chance to get your attention.
It’s like a badge of honor for a Filipina. You’re the prize, so use it to your advantage.
And it helps that…

  1. They Speak Great English

In the past, the Philippines were a Spanish colony – but today, English is the second national language, and the one taught in school. Something to do with the American occupation after 2WW.
It’s also the language that a lot of young Filipinas watch movies, hear songs and read books. Meaning they’re perhaps the best English-speaking females in all of Asia, which allows for real, meaningful interactions you can’t get anywhere else.
Whether you’re looking for straight-up sex or a committed relationship, you’ll probably agree this is a good thing!
Filipinas love to sing song in English language
A Karaoke machine is in every house in the Philippines. You can bet to find hundred of English songs, far more than Filipno one.

To recap, here are 5 important things you should know about women in the Philippines:
  1. They are not interested in your money… Although money helps, just like it does anywhere in the world!
  2. They’re sexually available to their men – at all times.
  3. They’re hot, slim and petite.
  4. They love foreigners.
  5. They speak great English.
Put it all together, and you get a truly unforgettable experience when meeting Filipino women. Who, thanks to the Philippines’ ethnic diversity, come in all kinds of delicious colors and shapes.
It’s like having a “30 Cup Tower of Doom” at Sundae – An explosion of flavors and lust.
Filipino women come in different flavors
Truth be told, this is a paradise for a man who loves women – or is looking for that one special lady that’ll appreciate and cherish him the way he deserves.
How about you?
Don’t you think you deserve a woman that makes you happy – instead of one that withholds sex, gives you attitude and never expresses any gratitude?
If you do, you’ll want to subscribe to my email course that’ll show you exactly how to meet and attract a Filipina in simple steps.


My SECRET strategy to meet girls in a CLICK
This stuff works like you won’t believe, and you don’t even have to be in the Philippines to scope potential dates from anywhere in the world.
I’d love for you to know the secret tips and strategies I’ve developed in all my years here in South Asia.

Read more:

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