Saturday, May 14, 2016

How To Take Asian Girls Back To Your Room After A Date - Dream Holiday Asia

How To Take Asian Girls Back To Your Room After A Date - Dream Holiday Asia

Is It A Daunting Task To Get Girls Back To Your Room?

For Me Is Fun And Challenging, Learn How You Can Get Her In Your Bed At The First Date

Whatever you don’t know in life can become a nightmare to execute or implement, and it’s not exception about getting a girl back to your room at the first date. For me is just fun.
It might sound cocky but I assure you, in the first years of my dating life, it was just a nightmare be rejected by the girls and go home alone to watch a porn movie while jerking off.
I didn’t know the “how to get her back to my room”, just hoping that somehow we would end up there eventually. But, leaving to chances or worst, let her decide the outcome of the date isn’t going to make you a successful playboy and ultimately get laid. Women aren’t supposed to take such decisions, instead it’s the job of a confident man to show her the way to your bedroom.
Please, don’t feel ashamed of yourself to take her back to your bedroom for a bang, she’ll be grateful to follow your lead. I never in my life lost a woman because pushing her to have sex with me in the first date, actually I got a deep respect by her… she finally met a real man.
What is the point to take her for dinner or invest your time in lengthy conversations at the bar with girls if you aren’t able to close the deal?
You put in so much effort with your dates hoping to get the final price (get laid), but along the process something isn’t right and she turn down your offer to have a coffee at your place.
I know how you feel, it’s happened to me countless times till I’ve learned the secrets of seduction with the academy course and from that day, I’ve never looked back.
Please, share your thoughts about the point above. Do you think is fair to push a woman to have sex with you on the first date? Please comment on the bottom of this page, I highly value your opinion and I read each comment

What Is Holding You Back

holding you back to get asian girls back to your room
First, is important to overcome our own fears that is stopping you to successfully get girls back to your room. I would say most men struggle with this problem sometime in life, and the earlier you tackle it, the better.
Below I present the 3 most common problems men faces when is time to close the deal with your date. Procrastination is not going to help you, and keep in mind that the most precious asset a man has is TIME. You’ve only 24 hours per day, like everybody else on this hearth.
What is holding you back is you, a simple change to your mindset will bring you more women and sex.

1. Being The Nice Guy

If you’ve ever read some dating site, I’m sure you heard about being a nice guy with women doesn’t work, and why women like bad boys.
We often make the mistake of thinking that isn’t NICE to ask her to have a drink in our condo, especially at the first date. But if we pull our head out of our butt and think about it, it doesn’t matter how much nice you can be to a woman – because being nice isn’t going to make her feel more attract to us.
You have the same chances to get laid at the first date or after several dates, all boil down to expectations.
It’s easier to get an Asian girl to our bedroom at the first date because in Asia there are expectations to have sex if you like her and she likes you.
Too simple? I’ll never understand why with Western women must be so complicate instead.
Asian Dating Expectation; I like you and you like me - Let's have SEXCLICK TO TWEET

It’s a cultural expectation and go something along this lines; Asian women will be grateful and thrill if you take her out for a nice evening, and it’s only natural to give you something back and make you happy.
What can make a man happier than having sex?
So, don’t “pretend” to be the nice guy. Not only is counter productive (you don’t get laid) but you are trying to be someone you aren’t.
I’m always clear about my expectations, and I let her know in a nice way that I expect to take her back to my room at the first date.

2. Low Self-Confidence

Confidence is to be man - bring asian girls back to your room 2
It’s all about confidence, isn’t it?
Yes and No.
If you aren’t confident on your requests, don’t expect she’ll accept your invitation to get back to your room. Two simple scenario to make this point clear.

Scenario 1 – YOU
After a wonderful evening out, it’s time to get back home. You’re wondering how to convince her to visit your room because, after a so good meal, you want her pie.
Good boy… Who doesn’t like pies before sleeping.
But you wonder how to pass the message without being rejected or worst, create an awkward situation for both of you.
So, before getting into the taxi, you feel the need to ask her permission to get back to your room; “Would you like to have a coffee/drink to my place?”
You feel safe because you are asking permission, and if she say “yes”, great! You are going to get laid.
If she say “no“, not so great but you didn’t ruin – the moment.
Do you know what what I think about this approach?
I don’t see anything terrible wrong going in this way, but I’m confident to say that you have a 10% chance to get laid. Every ten women you date, one will accept your offer and that is sucks.
From a financial point of view, you are better off to meet prostitutes.
Let me explain.
Taking out a girl for a classic date (have few drinks, dinner, cinema,etc) will cost you in average US$10-US$100 per date. Let’s take the middle cost; US$50 and multiply by 10 times you need to take a woman for a date to get one bang. TOTAL = US$500.
Well, in Asia you can have an orgy with top women (9-10 scale) and spend less than that.
If you decide not to learn the game with women but instead frequent prostitutes, I respect your decision because it makes financial sense.

Scenario 2 – ROCCO
After a wonderful evening out, it’s time to get back home. I’m not wondering how to convince her to visit my room because I’ve a clear plan.
I want her pie after an excel dinner.
Good boy… Who doesn’t like pies before sleeping.
I’m not wondering how to pass over the message without being rejected or worst, create an awkward situation for both of us because I’m in control of the situation. It’s my duty as a man to take the lead and be responsible for the evening success.
I and her would be disappointed if we don’t have sex today.
So, I get into the taxi and ask the driver to take us to my place. I inform my partner we are going for a coffee/drink to my place.
I feel confident and masculine because I took the decision, and if she say “yes”, great! I’m going to get laid.
If she say “no“, not so great but means she isn’t ready yet.
Women want sex and don’t want you to ask for permission. Your confidence is the main attribute to successfully bed women, so don’t be shy and go for it.
Just be super casual, indifferent, and cool about it and it won’t bother her one bit that you’re taking the lead and commanding her.
Asian Women Love The Fact That You Are Leading The Way And She's Just FollowingCLICK TO TWEET

In average, every 10 women I take on with this approach, only 4 will refuse to follow my lead. You see, a small change of wording and attitude can bring a 600% increase on your success rate to get Asian girls into your bedroom.

3. Knowledge Goes A Long Way

No one has teach you the correct steps for dating women. The school system isn’t interested, your mom and dad might be shy to speak about it and your friends know less than you.
No wonders dating is one of the biggest problem for men, but fortunately can be correct with the right guidance
Enroll with the Academy Course which in simple steps will teach you how to approach women, build confidence and ultimately get any woman to do whatever you want her to do.
Matt Artisan is an expert to pick up girls and have a deep knowledge in dating. He is natural with women and always has a hot girl on his arm. He’s the coolest guy I ever met. I respect him and I’m so grateful to have change my life.
We can access to online courses with a small investment which bring excellent benefit in dating women, not only to bring her back to your room.
Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Chinese proverb

And YOU too would be sad if you'd know what you are missing out.


My Game System To Get Local Girls Back To My Room

I’ve a system to date girls online which produce great results, it’s become essential for my trips around Asia for dating local women.
In the first stage, I meet the girls online. Asian girls love to meet on chats looking for new friends, relationship and some marriage. This game play out well for me, because from the comfort of my desk I can pull hot chicks in big number and refine them down to the best of the best. It’s a kind “productivity tool”.
The second stage is to fly to the destination and meet the girls in real life. Usually I plan to see one girl for each day, so it’s important to get her back to my room the same day I meet her, otherwise my schedule will get messed up.

TIP; I usually take a photo with my IPhone of the girl I meet online and associate her with her local number and day of the date. It can get messy when you’ve more than ten girls in schedule
Keep in mind usually girls are always either late or very early, so leave some space between your activities. I’m happy to bang one girl per day, but with a good system in place, you can meet two girls, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.
Remember, isn’t easy to get them out of the room sometime, but with some trick like the ghost story, they’ll run.

3 Strategies To Get Your Date In The Bedroom 

With these 3 simple strategies, you can get most Asian girls in your room at the first date. These strategy apply to different type of girls and situations, so don’t mess up.
Asian girl in my bedroom
South korean girl after took her back to my hotel bedrooom
South Korean girl ready for action after dating in a five stars restaurant. Not Cheap

When you forget your camera in the bedroom and you head back with her to take it – just get into the “shooting moment”.
Cute asian girl in my bedroom
She was definitely ready for the date. No much persuasion was needed to get back to the hotel.

~ Meet Her In Your Room Directly ~

Perfect To Date; Freelancers and girls working in malls, restaurants, bars.
Who I Used This Strategy For; Women which are naive or are looking for some fast cash. There is no point to go out with them around the city because are boring to spend time with. These type of girls are from a low education, so what is the point to go for fine dining and talk about social-politic staff.
Strategy; You are traveling to her country and she know that, so as a first timer in her city, you don’t know any places where to meet her. In fact, the best place is to meet in your room directly without bother to take her out for a classic date. Once in your room, she’ll be ready to take off her cloths and have sex with you.
Just explain that you’ll be waiting for her in your hotel room because you don’t know the city being your first time. Just send her the hotel name and room number, remind the time of the appointment too.
There are few typical situations which you might be face with;
~ She’ll go straight to your room and knock the door. This action ring some bell; she is a freelancers and some $$$ will be required after the deed, because you are a gentlemen and don’t take advantage of poor girls.
~ She’ll text you from reception by saying “I wait you downstairs”. Just reply “you aren’t ready yet, will take another 30 minutes”. Ask to go buy some food next door for you and her because you are very hungry. Have a romantic lunch/dinner in your room the two of you and get her pie.
~ None of the above, she is stubborn and won’t agree to anything. You might face a very good girl here, but don’t let yourself down instead go for the challenge.
Take her out and have some good time together, but not too far from your hotel room. Focus on your goal, getting laid ASAP. Let her know you’ve forget the camera in your hotel room, and you would be pleased to get some picture together. If she still don’t accept, dump her immediately. Your time is precious and she is going to waste it.

TIP; Time to time you might be faced with an uncooperative local woman, don’t be afraid to dump and move on. There are so many girls happy to meet you, plus you’ve a schedule full of girls.
Only one time happen to me such situation (not be able to take her back to my room), but was my fault. I didn’t screen her properly during my chat on Skype, and I let her to waste my precious holiday time. Along the way you’ll meet some time waster and girls which aren’t compatible with your goals.

~ You’ve Forget Camera or Phone in Your Room  ~

Perfect To Date; University girls and office girls.
Who I Used This Strategy For; Girls with a strong personality and values. These type of women need to be persuade before accepting to get back to the room.
Strategy; Meet the girls near by my hotel room for logistic reasons. It’s nice to have a coffee, night out or dinner to build up a sexual intense feeling.
I love to tease the girls even before we meet. I usually send a reminder message about our date (it’s very important to confirm your appointment one day before and same day of your meeting) with write something along this line; “Hi …., tomorrow we are going for dinner and you should dress properly; white skirt, high hill black shoes and the rest I leave it to you”.
From there the conversation can take multiple way, but I keep my objective in focus to dress her as I’m pleased. Asian women are amazing in satisfy your requests, and why not to start from pre-meeting.
I’ve a short story for you.
Once in Bangkok, I met up with a naughty school teacher which I convinced to dress all in red for me. Once we met, I was so pleased that she follow my instructions and my desire to bang her, was skyrocketing while having dinner together.
So, please do me a favor, think what please you and excite the moments before take her back to your room.
Going back how to get the girls back to your room after met her somewhere in town.
A trick which have worked very well for me is to tell her that I’ve forgot the camera or need to charge the phone in my room. This is an excellent excuse, she’ll feel comfortable to go back with your to the hotel room, after all, you only need to take your camera, but once in the room, she can start to pose for you.

~ You Don’t Have Much Time  ~

Perfect To Date; Business women and self employed.
Who I Used This Strategy For; Women into the business world which value and understand the importance of time.
This technique use “time constrain” which is great because the girl will feel safe to come around your room.
I usually will say I will have to meet a friend of mine later but that I’ll meet her for a quick drink. Before she arrived, I’ll buy some groceries and wait for her. When she arrive, I will take her back to my room  because I’ve to drop the grocery. With the assumption that she can’t get into any trouble because I have to go to meet my friend later.
After I’ve banged her,  I can leave her because I’ve to go for the appointment.
These strategies have worked for me and hopefully will serve you well. There is still room for improvement and you can develop more techniques along the way.

Help Me Help You

The blog is growing but I need your help to reach out more people so they can get useful info about meeting and dating Asian women.
I put an awful lot of time into producing some of the best dating advise on the web.
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