Friday, December 9, 2016

How To Meet Manila Women The Easy Way - Dream Holiday Asia

How To Meet Manila Women The Easy Way - Dream Holiday Asia

Isn’t it crazy how your place of birth shapes your behavior with women?

As you might know, I’m a Latin guy. In my country, it was normal for boys to chase girls.

When I was a teen, my friends and I would go out to clubs and hit on the chicks there – usually getting rejected – and laugh about it on the way home.

Naturally, this gave most of the guys I know from childhood great social skills… And this was the norm in my country.

So imagine my SHOCK when I found out, many years later, that in the Philippines men aren’t used to hitting on women!

And imagine how SAD I get when awesome men visiting my website write to me, saying they just can’t figure out how to meet Filipino women!

It’s awful – and I’m not the only one who thinks so.

So in today’s post, I’m going to show you the easy way to meet women in Manila… Because you shouldn’t go through life without experiencing the high-class, beautiful, feminine women from the capital city.

Manila women are beautiful and sexy

Manila is a great place to meet women, even if you don’t live here.

The beauty, hospitality and warmth of the local women will make you forget that there was a time you weren’t sure how to meet women easily… And have an aging geriatric feeling like an 18-year old stud again.

So without further ado, let’s get into it, starting with…

3 Reasons Why You Need To Experience Manila Women

Look, I’m not a super-fancy guy, but I like a woman that knows how to wear a dress and heels, can make interesting conversation, understands the value of a top-class restaurant, an expensive hotel or a fancy gift.

In this sense, Manila is the best place to be in South-East Asia.

This is because Manila is the capital of the Philippines, and the city where all the main universities and company offices are. Bright women from middle-class and rich families all around the country end up here – and they’re well-read, worldly and beautiful.

Speaking of which…

I swear – if someone told me, ahead of time, about some of the women I’d find here… I wouldn’t believe them. Most women here look like superstars or model; baby-soft skin, toned young body, big eyes, no body hair… They’re kind of damn dreamy.

As a personal story, I once banged a mouth-watering 1.7m Manila girl with a face like a Greek statue and tits that I could barely hold in my both hands (one per time)… And she wasn’t even my hottest lay that week!

Easy ways to meet Manila women

Manila Women Are Open-minded

As you might already know, the Philippines have a no-divorce policy. I’m not saying they discourage divorce or anything like that – I’m literally telling you divorce isn’t allowed here.

This is bad for Pinay women, because their men are often lazy cheaters who drink far too much.

It’s also good news for us – because most women would rather marry a mature gentleman from abroad than one of their own men. These women are open-minded, and they’ll give you a chance so long as you treat them well.

Now that we’ve figured out why you should date Manila women, let’s discuss the easy way to meet these chicks… And the 2 mistakes you need to avoid.


Without the bullshit!

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The Easy Way to Meet Manila Women – and 2 Mistakes to Avoid

Okay, so before we start, here’s one thing to understand.

Manila women are Hot… Classy… Open-minded… And lonely.

See, their men are mostly shitty, like I said – and it’s hard to find someone “on your level” to date as a single Pinay girl.

I mean, why would a girl in a top university, or with a great salary, date some schmuck? Exactly – no reason.

So what do a lot of these women do in their free time?

Manila women looking for Western men
The best way to meet quality Filipino women is by starting your search in Manila.
They go online and start looking for foreign guys who’re interested in Asian women… Which is GREAT news for you.


Well, first of all, going online allows you to “date” multiple women long-distance before you get to the Philippines. You can take all the time in the world to screen them for the qualities you want and like – and date as many of them as you feel like once you’re in Manila.

How’s that for choices?

Finally, online dating means you can build some comfort and intimacy before moving on to the next level. You don’t have to have great game or anything; these women just want companionship from a mature man. They don’t need you to be a smooth macho player! Comprende?

Now, there are only 2 mistakes you can make to screw this whole thing up.

1# It’s acting like a pervert

There are men online with some sick mind who think that showing their cocks is the way to go for attracting women. Go figure that out…

2# It’s committing to a girl before seeing her in real life

Pinay girls consider it normal for foreigners to “browse” from abroad; they do not to become exclusive while you’re in another country. Doing so will be seen as a sign of weakness – and a turn-off.

That’s literally everything you need to know – and yes, it really is that simple.

If you’ve never dated a Pinay girl before, I’m jealous of you… If I knew these women existed when I was a teen, maybe I wouldn’t have worked so hard to develop my pick up game!

Consider to check out these Filipino dating sites to meet Manila women – it’s got a steady stream of quality chicks day in, day out.

Good luck!

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